martedì 27 luglio 2010

The Ting Tings - Shut Up And Let Me Go

questa è la colonna sonora della giornata

8 commenti:

  1. Hey!

    Shut up and let me go
    This hurts, I tell you so
    For the last time you will kiss my lips
    Now Shut up and let me go
    Your jeans were once so clean
    I bet you changed your wardrobe since we met

    Now oh so easily your over me
    Gone is love
    It’s you that ought to be holding me
    I’m not containable
    This turns up
    it’s not sustainable

    I aint freakin’
    I aint Fakin’ this
    I aint freakin’
    I anit Fakin’ this
    I anit freakin’
    I aint Fakin’ this
    Shut up and let me go

    Shut up and let me go
    This hurts, but I can’t show
    for the last time you had me in bits
    Now Shut up and let me go!
    For fear of leaving in regret
    I changed this one when we first met

    Now oh so easily your over me
    Gone is love
    It’s me that ought to be moving on
    You’re not adorable
    I was something unignorable.

    I ait freakin’
    I aint Fakin’ this
    I aint freakin’
    I anit Fakin’ this
    I anit freakin’
    I aint Fakin’ this
    Shut up and let me go

    Oh love, hold this.

    Shut up and let me go
    This hurts, I told you so
    For the last time you will kiss my lips
    Now Shut up and let me go

  2. Statte zitto e famme annà...

    Certo che l'inglese ha tutta un'altra musicalità! :D

  3. @Rospo < ahahahahahah :D decisamente

  4. @ Queen B & Rospo: certo però che nella versione "romanesca" diventerebbe il successone dell'estate 2010 !!! o forse no... :-/

  5. Ahahah Rospo... ahahaahh Tyler... bon ora che soltamente ho abbondato con il riso sto zitta e me ne vo'... ;-)

  6. Davvero carina questa canzone!:D
